
Team: Arizona Cardinals
Location: Salvation Army Kroc Center
Sponsors: West Valley Mavericks Foundation, Delta Dental, AZ Dental Foundation, VIP Mortgage
Community Leaders: John & Kelly Bohm
Program Date: March 24, 2018
Children: 200
$85,604 worth of FREE dental care, preventative care, and health education provided
Program Report: Arizona Cardinals
Participating Dentists
Participating Dentists:
Dr. Mark Anderson
Dr. Anita Chu
Dr. Janece Davis
Dr. David Dodell
Dr. Greig Florento
Dr. Ryan Gonzales
Dr. Mahasin Hangalay
Dr. Gretchen Henson
Dr. Jeanette MacLean
Dr. Tom Risbrudt
Dr. Doug Sheram
Dr. Jaime Tobon
Dr. Tram Vu
Dr. Brad Wall
“Hats off to John Skelton! He was a true hero. He arrived early in the morning and stayed almost to the end. He talked to the children and encouraged them and then thanked the volunteers. It was truly fun to see this event take place.”
-Arizona Cardinals Volunteer