Kellie Reneau-Jardon has been a part of TeamSmile for 9 years. When she started with TeamSmile, the organization was hosting 5 programs per year. With the growing partnership in the sports industry and the shared passion of making a positive impact on children’s oral health, TeamSmile has grown to 25 programs per year. Kellie hopes one day her job is eliminated due to the next generation of children gaining an understanding of the importance of proper oral hygiene and the link it has to total, life-long health. Until then, you will find Kellie at TeamSmile programs across the national helping children get a better smile – one child at a time.
Kellie Reneau-Jardon is the Program Director of TeamSmile. She is in charge of the logistics of TeamSmile programs, which includes planning, implementing, and evaluating the programs. Her goal is that everyone involved – the children, the volunteers, and the team – feel valued and feel they are making a difference, while enjoying their experience with TeamSmile. She has two daughters that she hopes one-day follow in her footsteps, of finding a career where going to work every day is an honor.