
Team: Pittsburgh Pirates

Location: PNC Park

Sponsors: Pirates Charities, United Concordia, Highmark, Davis, Davis & Associates, Delta Dental, The Primary Health Network, Diehl of Robinson, Car Right

Program Date: August 8, 2018

Children: 201

$80,838 worth of FREE dental care, preventative care, and health education provided/p>

2018 Program Results

Program Sponsors:

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Participating Dentists

Head Dentist: Dr. Joey Troupe

Dr. Dana Bilohlavek

Dr. Alecia Byers

Dr. Richard Celko

Dr. Jessica DePalmo

Dr. Ariel Golberg

Dr. Sumaya Hameed

Dr. Jesse Hoffman

Dr. Erin Isaac

Dr. Jeong-Seon Kim

Dr. Calvin Lin

Dr. Samantha Linkowski

Dr. Phil Mason

Dr. Rebecca Pounds

Dr. Stephanie Roades

Dr. Keith Richmond

Dr. Cheryl Rosato

Dr. Sara Ruby

Dr. Christopher Saba

Dr. Sara Safdari

Dr. Renee Salmon

Dr. Corbin Salthouse

Dr. Deborah Studen-Pavlovich

Dr. Ron Walker

Dr. Bridget Yichen Wu