Volunteer Testimonials

“I enjoyed working and helping with the kids. It was a very rewarding experience.”
– TeamSmile + Carolina Panthers Volunteer

“A very organized well run program that is amazing for the community.”
– TeamSmile + Los Angeles Chargers Volunteer
“Your program is outstanding! It’s like a well-oiled machine, and I love how your team interacts and works together to get the job done.
I really thought that the football players that volunteered their time, were exceptional to the children. They really were not in a hurry to leave, and were genuinely interested in interacting with the kids. That is possibly the only time some of these kids will ever have the chance to interact with an NFL player. Great people!
I work in a pediatric practice and when one of my colleagues reached out to me about this event, I was happy to volunteer. I love that Team Smiles was able to make a sometimes scary process so much fun for everyone involved.”
– TeamSmile + Denver Broncos Volunteer, 2019
“I cherish this program, such a wonderful blessing to all the children and very rewarding to be a part of it.”
– Brittany Golden-Schimmel, TeamSmile Volunteer

“ I was amazed at how many kids attended! They all seemed genuinely happy to be there, and the staff/volunteers did a great job at making the event fun and enjoyable for the kids. It was great to see everyone interacting together for such a great cause!”
-TeamSmile + University of Alabama-Birmingham Volunteer, 2020
“This was an unforgettable experience for me, it made me feel better about myself knowing that I am in the right direction to helping those in my community and educating them on the importance of Oral Health. This program has exposed me to many beneficial learning and social experiences as a Pre-Dental student. It also gave me the opportunity to make future connections with Doctors and Educators for academic advice and hopefully shadowing opportunities in the near future. Thank you TeamSmile for this memorable experience!”
– TeamSmile Pre-Dental Student Volunteer
“I loved all the hugs and warm smiles we receive!”
– TeamSmile + Minnesota Twins Volunteer
“the best we serve I have ever been on.The kids touched our hearts, such a loving,humble group of children.We were both sad to leave them. One of the little girls asked us if she would see us again next week, our hearts dropped.Me and my wife are definitely going again.”
– TeamSmile + LA Angels Volunteer, 2019

“What’s not to love about this organization?! Every volunteer experience I’ve had with them has been so amazing. It brings tears to my eyes every year. Thank you for everything you do for these children that need you, TeamSmile!!”
– Brooke Johnston, TeamSmile Volunteer
“I thought the program was very well organized and run. There were a lot of volunteers present and each had a role. So often, good intentions are lost due to poor planning and organization and this certainly was not the case!”
– TeamSmile Super Bowl Experience Volunteer