
Team: Sporting Kansas City
Location: Children’s Mercy Park
Sponsors: Victory Project, Trident CPA Services, TW Sportswear, Rapid Ways Truck Leasing
Community Leader: Brandi Thomas
Program Date: May 11, 2018
Children: 123
$46,664 worth of FREE dental care, preventative care, and health education provided
Program Report: Sporting KC
Program Sponsors:
Participating Dentists
Lead Dentists: Dr. William Busch &
Dr. Tucker VanYperen
Dr. Michelle Deutch
Dr. Brent Evers
Dr. MeLinda Garcia
Dr. Gary Groff
Dr. Tyler Hanks
Dr. Anthony Jimenez
Dr. M. Conrad Journee
Dr. Joy Lavid
Dr. Sarah McDonald
Dr. Jamey Onnen
Dr. Jenna Rogers
Dr. James Schuette
Dr. Madeline Sloan
Dr. Becky Smith
Dr. Sarah Spring
Dr. Matthew Tobler
“I believe in TeamSmile because TeamSmile’s method of delivering dental care to underserved children is the most effective I have ever seen. It harnesses the stardom of professional athletes to connect underserved children with top-notch dentists. When larger-than-life professional athletes wade through a sea of starry-eyed children and fawning adults, everyone has a great experience “going to see the dentist.”
– Jim Zenk, CPA/JD, Trident CPA Services
“During the TeamSmile event I got to personally see kids who had not ever been to the dentist. At eight years old they needed extractions due to infected teeth. That’s not a fun first experience! However, with the TeamSmile event they were able to be supported by their peers, their teachers, TeamSmile volunteers and enjoy the experience of meeting Sport Stars and mascots.”
-Sporting KC Volunteer